Ten-2-Zen Programme
E-Book – Preparing for Birth Program
Welcome to my ‘10-2-Zen for Pregnancy and Birth programme.
This is a guide, which is a culmination and fusion of techniques, tools and tips of 20 years as a Bodyworker, Yoga Teacher and Doula.
My passion and deepest desire is to help busy Mumma’s like you, find physical and emotional balance, alignment and well-being during your pregnancy and as you seek to create the potential for a shorter, less painful labour and an empowered physiological birth.
The Programme
The ‘10-2-Zen for Pregnancy’ programme consists of 10 soft tissue balancing techniques, including optimal mumma and bubba positioning recommendations and 10 yoga poses to a more balanced/aligned and therefore ‘Zen Mumma’.
Who Can Benefit from this programme?
In the majority of cases every pregnant woman – although if you are deemed ‘high risk’ please see *below. Especially Mumma’s who sit for many hours in their workspace, or hours on the road, driving; mumma’s who are still ‘baby or Toddler wearing’, breast feeding or co-sleeping and most definitely VBAC Mumma’s.
Partners of pregnant Mumma’s who want to be able to provide more physical support during pregnancy, labour and birth

When to Begin?
It is best to wait until after your 20th week of pregnancy, unless a particular technique suggests otherwise.
By this stage you will no longer be relying on increasing hormone (progesterone) levels to support the pregnancy.
Rather, the placenta has taken over this role and you will have a clearer understanding of it’s position within the uterus. Particularly if you had a Morphology Scan.
In most instances, Mumma’s are feeling a little more energy, less of the 1st trimester fatigue and morning/all day sickness.
I highly recommend seeking medical clearance before continuing this programme.
*If you are a high risk pregnancy ie:
- have a history of miscarriage
- have had spotting or bleeding in the first trimester
- are taking aspirin or progesterone pessaries
- had pre-eclampsia in a previous pregnancy,
- had an early screening this pregnancy
- have a low-lying placenta, placenta accreta or placenta praevia
- have a bicornurate uterus or succenturiate (accessory) lobe
- have a cerclage (stitch in cervix)
- have polyhydramnios (excessive amniotic fluid)
- pregnant with twins or more
It is recommended you receive medical clearance from your Care provider, before commencing this programme
The 10-2-Zen Yoga Essentials a little further into this eBook are safe to commence once you have reached your 2nd trimester and after your 12 week Nuchal Transluscency Scan or Harmony/NIP Test.
How long do I need to allow?
Take your time to begin with, until you become familiar with the techniques and stretches.
Then aim for 20 minutes to do the whole routine or 10 minutes to do the partner assisted (PA will appear beside these techniques) soft tissue balancing techniques and 10 minutes for the yoga stretches.
‘I just wanted to let you know we received our very healing VBAC in the early hours of this morning. A massive thank you to yourself for all the hard work you put in. Toowoomba is such a lucky town to have your services! Kindly Allie x’