Terms & Conditions
Please read our T & C’s before booking
Arriving On Time
Bellies & Bubs Etiquette
At an initial appointment you will be required to complete a health and information form, please arrive 5 – 10 minutes earlier to allow time for parking and completing paperwork. Please be aware that running late, may mean your treatment time will be reduced, to ensure other clients are not inconvenienced. The full fee may still be charged.
When Massage is not recommended
Contraindications of Massage
0 – 12 Weeks Pregnant
Massage is not recommended in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, to allow the body to settle into the pregnancy, whilst the placenta begins to take over the functionality of the pregnancy. We recommend waiting until after your Nuchal Translucency Scan.
Covid Vaccine
In pregnancy and particularly the 3rd trimester, when blood and fluid volumes increase significantly the lymphatic, circulatory/cardiovascular systems and therefore the excretory organs (Kidneys, Liver/Gall Bladder) have a bigger job to do. Massage can increase the stimulation and release of toxins. Also, as there is an increased risk of developing varicosities, this can pose a higher risk for developing DVT. Therefore it is recommended to allow 2-4 weeks after each dose before having a treatment.
*if you are experiencing any adverse symptoms please consult your Care provider and take the precautionary additional time before having a massage.
Covid Positive
Please allow a minimum 2 weeks from a positive Covid result (longer if symptoms are still present) and attending an appointment or yoga class.
If pregnant with Vasa Previa, elevated blood pressure, associated with headaches and spotty or blurred vision, as well as oedema and protein on urinalysis (this can be an indication of pre-eclampsia); cholestasis (a liver imbalance), PUPP (pregnancy rash), HELLP syndrome.
Please wait at least 1 week after an Iron Infusion, particularly during pregnancy, before having a massage, so as not to overload the Liver and Gall Bladder, as toxins may be released from stimulating the lymphatic and circulatory systems
2 Weeks Postpartum (after birth)
Massage is not recommended in the first two (2) weeks after a normal physiological birth
Massage is not recommended in the first six (6) weeks post-surgery. This includes a c-section, manual removal of placenta and PPH requiring transfusion.
Any history of DVT
High Risk
If you are pregnant with twins or triplets, or diagnosed with *Placenta Praevia, *Factor V Leiden, taking progesterone due to multiple miscarriages, or preterm birth(s), a *short cervix, requiring a cerclage; please seek and provide medical clearance from your Care provider.
Blood work/Vaccinations/Iron Infusions
Before having a massage treatment it is important to allow:-
- 24hrs after any blood tests or Vitamin Injections
- 48hrs after GTT/FBC/Antibody Screen) and
- 72hrs after Flu & Whooping Cough Vaccination, Anti D and 2nd steroid Injection
- 1 week after an iron infusion
This will allow the lymphatics, liver and iron stores to rest, without additional load and excretion via Liver/Gall Bladder.
Please note – It is fine to have the above procedures any time after a massage, as long as no adverse symptoms are present. ie headaches, nausea – this can be a normal reaction if toxins are present and released during a remedial massage treatment and usually subside within 12-24hrs.

Modifying or cancelling an appointment
Cancellation Policy
We understand circumstances sometimes arise and appointments need to be altered, we do ask that you provide as much notice as you can, where possible and we will take special circumstances into consideration. However, please be aware of our cancellation/rescheduling procedure below:
Modifying/ Cancelling Appointments
If you need to modify (reschedule) or cancel an appointment, please locate the confirmation email (sent immediately after you book an appointment) or reminder email (sent 48hrs prior to your appointment) or SMS. Simply click on the login link at the bottom of the email or SMS and you will be directed to your account dashboard.
Alternatively, go directly to www.bookitlive.net and login using the email and password you created when you booked the original appointment.
Minimum Cancellation Time
The full fee (100%) is payable if canceled within 12hrs of appointment unless a medical certificate can be provided.
Any cancellations within 24 hours of your appointment will incur a fee of 50% of the treatment price.
Cancellation Fees
Please be aware you will not be able to modify (this means changing your appointment type, or creating an account for someone else to take your place) or cancel your appointment via the online portal, within 24hrs of your appointment.
Please SMS me directly on 0408204522, or email me at leah@belliesnbubs.com.au ASAP, as I can than offer the appointment to someone on the Waitlist. Please DO NOT reply to the Reminder SMS, it is a ‘no reply SMS’ and I will not receive it. Thanks for your understanding and co-operation.